5 top benefits of wearing helmet - RM Motors

Protection From Head Injury
1. Motorbike helmets save lives :- Motorbike helmet is the single most important piece of safety gear a bike rider can wear.

2. Wind Noise :- The helmet improves the comfort of the Motorbike rider by reducing the sound of the wind as it roars past the ears.

3. Weather :- A Motorbike helmet offers protection from the weather. For instance, it has a visor that cuts down the glare from the sun. It also keeps the face warm in frigid weather and keeps water out when it rains.

4. Flying Objects :- A Motorbike helmet shields the eyes and face from flying objects like rocks, gravel and twigs. It also protects the rider from insects.

5. Insurance and Medical Bills :- Motorbike riders who choose not to wear helmets have higher health care costs as a result of their injuries.

A motorbike helmet is a necessary safety feature for every rider and passenger on a motorbike.

Be Safe on Your Ride !! 


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