Tips For Solo Motorcycle Rider - RM Motors
1) File a daily “Flight Plan” with friends and relatives :- When you’re putting in big miles in unfamiliar places,
especially in remote areas, it’s a good idea to give friends and family an idea
of where you’ll end up every day, and when you’ll be checking in.
2) Start early, finish early :- When we’re on the road, we like to be up at 6:00am, shower,
breakfast, pack and on the bike by 8am (earlier if possible). It’s an
incredible feeling watching the world wake up from the seat of a motorcycle,
and if you’re planning to do big miles, the earlier you start, the earlier you
can finish.
3) Earplugs :- Always
wear earplugs, not just to protect your hearing, but to dramatically reduce
fatigue. Helmets are noisy places, especially at higher speeds on bikes without
big windscreens.
4) Use technology to regulate your body temperature :-There have been tremendous advances in cooling and warming
technologies for riders, so there’s no need to suffer in the heat or cold
5) Inspect the bike regularly :- It’s
critically important that you are aware of any mechanical issues your bike
might have before you start it, ESPECIALLY on a long distance, solo ride.
6) Travel light :- When we first started touring, we had a tendency to overpack.
We brought all sorts of gadgets and farkles, so much stuff our bags hardly had
room for a change of clothes. Now when we tour, we can go out for three weeks
with one small bag.
7) Paper maps and GPS We absolutely HATE GPS units attached to bikes :- They’re distracting and we’ve seen way too many close calls
when people are screwing around with them instead of watching the road.
8) Eat smart :- You know
that food coma you get after lunch every day, the one you try to fight off with
an espresso, black coffee or some awful energy drink? You don’t want to fight
that fight on a bike, so you need to think differently about what you’re eating
when you’re riding.
9) Hydrate smart :- Very few of us drink enough water every day, and this is a
mistake you cannot make on a motorcycle.
10) Use social media to enrich your trip for yourself and
others :- If you don’t have a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
page, consider starting one before your trip.
11) Make your emergency contact and medical information
easily visible :- If for some reason you become unable to speak, the
people trying to help you will need to know what if any medical conditions you
have, including prescriptions and allergies, and also who to call.
Ride it !!
For solo rider i prefer to use earplugs
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