5 best Summer Riding Tips - RM Motors

1.Layer Up :- Keep your skin covered at all times, especially if the heat has low humidity and also to reduce water loss from evaporation. Try light mesh clothing for daily commutes but proper textile jackets for long distance riding. 
2.Get in the shade - Stop frequently to rest and refresh yourself with a drink or water. Try to find shade and cool down.
3.Chill Out - And the best way to do that is to get a cooling vest that keeps the body cool. If it’s too difficult to procure, then wet your t-shirt and pants to keep the body cool. 
4.Stay Hydrated - Most importantly, learn to decode the dehydration signs that your body will give out after riding in the heat. Motorcycle riding is an intense activity and it drains all the water from the rider’s body. 
5.'Check Up' time - Before you hit the road, give a thorough check on the motorcycle as well as yourself and your kit. Ideally, make a check list and stick by it! Check for correct maps, ear plugs, Tyre condition, oil levels, brakes, chain, etc. 

Be safe,Ride Safe !!


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